Bordo 20% SC

intrudoction :

It is an inorganic contact fungicide and bactericide with protective action. It belongs to the inorganic (copper), accumulates in sensitive funguses easily by gradually releasing copper ions (Cu2+). This cation is complexed with enzymes which have sulfhydryl, hydroxyl, amino or carboxyl groups and inactivates them. Finally, it disrupts pathogen metabolism. “Bordeaux” has several modes of actions, by creating new chemical bonds in the target organism. “Bordeaux” has a wide spectrum of control and is registered to control a variety of plant diseases and provides long-term protection to plants against various diseases.

Technical Information

Bordo 20% SC
Pesticide class
Active ingredient
Neutralized copper sulfate
20% SC
chemical group
mineral (copper)
chemical name
Degree of danger of the poison
||| (Precaution) according to WHO classification
Resistance group
Acute Oral LD 50 for Rats
4000< mg/kg
7 days
Crop Disease Dosage
(Wilsonomyces carpophilus)

Application management:

  • Bardo cannot mix with insecticides sensitive to alkaline environments such as organophosphorus compounds and carbamates.

  • The maximum allowed temperature for Bardofix is ​​60 degrees Celsius.

(Wilsonomyces carpophilus)
(Wilsonomyces carpophilus)