Prevalence of bacterial anthrax disease in orchards of North Khorasan province

Tssa Magazine

Tssa Magazine

The latest news and articles of agriculture industry

Director of Plant Protection of North Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Organization said: The fire blight disease affects apple, pear and plum trees and rarely affects stone fruits. He added: Anthrax disease occurs in rainy spring years, when the conditions are ready for the spread of this disease. The first contamination occurs when the blossoms and buds are burnt, and the branches, branches, and even the trunk of the tree are affected by this disease. .
He said: The fruit trees that have been affected by fire blight in the gardens of this province belong to the past years, but because the gardeners did not fight against this disease, the branches and even the trunks of the trees have also been affected. Rezaei stated that the source of the trees being infected with anthrax was in the past years and stated: Unfortunately, the gardeners did not fight chemically or non-chemically against this disease.
Gardeners should not prune their branches while the trees are alive, but they should take this important seriously during the dormant season, and in this context, branches infected with anthrax should be pruned. He asked the farmers to prune the infected trees in the autumn season and added: they should also disinfect the wound and remove the infected branches from the garden, otherwise the disease will spread again in the garden. Regarding chemical control, Rezaei also said: Copper poisons should be used to fight anthrax during bud swelling season, and this type of chemical control is carried out in three stages.
An expert in horticulture affairs noted about the activity of anthrax-causing bacteria: this bacterium is active in five stages: blossom, branch, trunk, base and root, and its most damaging is in the blossom stage, but gardeners traditionally believe that spraying the blossoms will cause them to fall. It is possible that they refrain from doing this, which has a great impact on the resistance of the bloom to bacteria.
The area of gardens in the province is 48 thousand 493 hectares, 26 garden species are planted in this area and about 300 thousand tons of garden products are harvested annually.

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