Construction of tea harvesting machine and rice planter in the country for the first time

Tssa Magazine

Tssa Magazine

The latest news and articles of agriculture industry

According to IRNA’s report from the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, “Kambiz Abbasi” added: “In order to establish the knowledge base of the agricultural sector and improve the level of technology in the field of mechanization, for the first time a tea harvesting combine was built using indigenous knowledge and domestic technologies, and it is now on The production line is placed.

The head of the Agricultural Mechanization Development Center said about the features of the tea harvester: This domestically produced combine has a power of 74 horsepower and can harvest two hectares of tea from the gardens every day.

V  Stating that the combine makes tea production more economical for farmers, he clarified: By using this harvesting machine, the cost of production per hectare is reduced by 60%.

He added: The tea combine is dual-purpose and by pruning the tea bushes, it can help to revive the tea gardens.

Abassi called the increase of labor costs, the lack of uniformity of harvesting operations and the low quality of harvesting among the problems of traditional tea harvesting in the country and acknowledged that using a tea harvesting machine reduces the problems of tea farmers and increases the quality of production. Within the last five months, in addition to the construction of a tea harvesting combine, in line with the policies of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad in the field of solutions to obtain the fodder needed by livestock, for the first time, a head for the harvesting of barley, sorghum and triticale fodder products has been built as a sample. It will go on the mass production line soon.

The head of the Agricultural Mechanization Development Center pointed out that for the first time in the field of knowledge, a model of a rice transplanter has been produced at a reasonable price in the country, and stated: A transplanter has about 25 days to carry out transplanting operations, and this The planter has the ability to plant one to 1.2 hectares of rice seedlings per day.

He also mentioned the construction of a rice harvester and said: Late last year and the beginning of this year, we discussed the construction of a rice harvester, and this year a company built this harvester and now it is on the mass production line. This year’s approach of the Mechanization Development Center this year is to base products on knowledge and pay attention to new technologies and pay attention to less developed points.

He said: We have called for knowledge-based machines this year and announced the priorities in the field of agricultural mechanization. We support the manufacturing of knowledge-based machines and products by domestic companies in the field of agricultural mechanization.

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