The attack of the desert locust on the country is certain

Tssa Magazine

Tssa Magazine

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Saeed Moin, Director General of General and Public Pest Control of the Plant Protection Organization, pointing out that we do not have any attacks of desert locusts in the country in the fall, stated: According to the forecast of the World Meteorological Organization, this year the amount of rains will be less than normal. At the end of last year, we had a 35-55% decrease in rainfall, which is expected to be around 25-30% this year. Pointing out that the majority of rainfall occurs in the months of December and January, he added: Although we will have rainfall in the months of February and March, the effective rainfall is less. Stating that the rainfall in the southern pastures of the country is predicted to be normal, Moin said: According to climate models, the rainfall in the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa is predicted to be normal and slightly higher than normal, which provides the basis for locust migration. has done.

Director General of General Pest Control and Plant Protection continued: This year, with the arrival of the desert locust from the north-west side, the fight against locusts was carried out in 19 thousand hectares, and it is expected that in late March and early April, the locusts will come from the eastern side of Arabia. enter, but its amount depends on the amount of normal rainfall in the coming week and months and the movement of cyclones. He stated that there is no doubt about the arrival of the desert locust in the country, and added: the volume of the locust depends on the rainfall conditions and the movement of cyclones, which will increase if they occur. For example, if a cyclone moves from the Indian Ocean to the Horn of Africa, Oman and Yemen, the conditions are suitable for locust attack and the locust population will increase. Pointing out that the fight against native locusts has ended, Moin said: According to statistics this year, there was a fight against native locusts on the level of 178,000 hectares, of which 70,000 hectares are related to Moroccan locusts and the rest to other locusts. According to the forecasts of the Meteorological Organization, the fight against native and Moroccan locusts will be normal in different areas, and the necessary preparations for the fight have already been made.

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